Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Meaning of Life, If You Come From Samos (A Long Time Ago)

Platanos village, Samos

eople started spending their time in front of TV and computer screens only very recently. Of course, few decades ago this was not even an option and there are still some places that it remains like this. If the weather is good, the air breeze pleasant, the tree shadow relieving and the company is "she", what else should you need? These thoughts pushed this man write this song. We do not know who he is, or when exactly it was written. All we know is that he had left his beloved island Samos to move to Belgium and work there at the mines. He wrote this song feeling so homesick and desperate to express his love for his homeland. We perfectly understand him. And if you scroll down to listen to it and read the lyrics, you will too - definitely.

First video is how this song is originally played and danced in a local fest, and the second is the recent performance by a Greek reggae band, which I think is great... These songs push you dance, although they are kind of sad. But, I think that's the point.

and the Locomondo's performance:

Platanos' Water

I wish I had Platanos'* water
and wine from Kolona*
I wish I had as well my love
and kiss her

Platanos' water
is what the village's proud of
and whoever tastes it
is born again

Samo's wine that is sweet
I am gonna drink till I get drunk
now that I am so far away
not to forget you

* Platanos ( = platan, the tree) and Kolona (= column) are both names of Samos' places. Platanos is a village on the mountain and Kolona is a cape on the south.

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